Instructions for installing the OpenVPN client.

The long and difficult way.


  1. Download an OpenVPN Client (called OpenVPN connect) from the official website:
  2. Save the OpenVPN configuration file provided by IT to a convenient place
  3. Double-click the client installer to begin your installation
  4. Choose the appropriate version for your operating system (if you need help with this step, please don't hesitate to contact IT)
  5. Use the next button to complete the install, the default options should be fine.

Initial Setup

  1. Launch the newly installed OpenVPN Connect.
  2. Once OpenVPN Connect is running, select the Upload File option on the right of the main page
  3. Click on Browse and locate the file saved in step 2
  4. Once the profile is loaded, type in your username
  5. Optionally, check the save password box and then type your password in the field that's now available.
  6. Click connect
  7. Done!